Protect yourself this rainy season

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The key is to be proactive and take these precautions seriously

With the monsoon season settling over Pakistan, there has been a drastic increase in rainfall recently. In fact, rainfall is only expected to increase in the foreseeable future. While rain brings a welcome break from the heatwave that was crashing over the country, protecting yourself during the rainy season is also important if one wishes to stay safe and healthy. Here are some tips to help you prepare for and stay well during rainy weather:

Umbrella and Raincoat

Surely you do not want to find yourself taking hiding from sudden and unexpected rainfall under a shelter on the side of a road. So, make sure to always carry an umbrella or a waterproof raincoat with you wherever you go. You never know when it might come in clutch and the drier you are, the less likely you are to catch a cold!

Waterproof Footwear

Perhaps the most overlooked element for keeping oneself well in the rainy season, waterproof shoes or boots are a game changer! Not only will they help avoid slipping on wet surfaces and injuring yourself, but will also keep your feet completely dry. This will reduce the chances of becoming sick or getting infections on your feet.

Stay Indoors

Unless absolutely necessary, try your best to avoid traveling in this weather, especially if the rainfall is heavy. Aside from flash flooding making traffic unbelievably annoying, the risk of accidents increases considerably. Even besides traveling, any outdoor activities should be kept to a minimum during heavy downpours for your own safety and health.

Avoid Flooded Areas

Speaking of flash flooding, be sure to exercise extreme caution near any flooded area, be it in a field or on the side of a road. Floodwaters can be very deceptive, hiding hazards like submerged objects, uneven surfaces, and uncovered manholes. Never attempt to walk, run, swim, or drive through floodwaters. It is avoidable in any way, do your best to avoid it. If not, be sure to proceed through it slowly and carefully, or wait it out entirely until another option becomes available.

Mosquito Protection

Where there is heavy rainfall, there is stagnant water. And where there is stagnant water, there is a rich breeding ground for mosquitoes. It’s no wonder mosquitoes become a problem during this season each year, giving rise to malaria, dengue fever, and whatnot. Remember to use mosquito repellent on all your exposed skin, use mosquito nets when going to sleep, and try to wear long-sleeved clothing to protect yourself from mosquito-borne diseases.

Keep Your Home Well Maintained

Make sure your home is well-prepared for the rainy season. A little leak, if left ignored, can fester into serious damages that will take longer and be pricier to fix. As such, check your roofs and walls for any leaks or damages, and ensure that you clean gutters and drainage systems timely to prevent water blockage and flooding.

Avoid Electric Hazards

This one is a given. Water and electricity do not mix well, and can be deadly if handled without care. So, be cautious with electrical appliances and wiring during rainy weather and keep them away from water sources. Make sure you are completely dry before handling any power outlet or switchboard, and take necessary insulation precautions to avoid electric shocks.

Following these tips and guidelines will surely help you face the rainy season well. Remember, the key is to be proactive and take these precautions seriously, ensuring that we make the most of the rainy season while staying safe and healthy throughout its duration!

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