Pakistan’s ultra-rich: Subtle signs you need to know

Credits: Ben Rosett
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These are just some of the many subtle signs – from what they eat to whom they spend time with – that one can use to detect the uber-wealthy in Pakistan

Perhaps one of the most noticeable features of Pakistan is that it is a country with a very wide range of contrasts, with many different types of people co-existing, mingling, and living together. Indeed, Pakistan is a mix of diversity in many areas; one aspect this includes is a person’s socioeconomic background. It is undeniable that in recent years, there has been a growing gap between the rich and the poor. This has led to an increase in the count of the wealthy in Pakistan. And while some may flaunt their wealth in obvious ways, many prefer to keep a low profile and remain discreet about their wealth.

So, what are some signs that can be used to identify the uber-wealthy in Pakistan?


Extremely wealthy people have quite consistently shown a preference toward fresh foods rather than the processed good that the common population eats. And while people of considerable wealth may fine dine out in fancy restaurants more frequently, the truly wealthy people in Pakistan seem to own their own farmhouses which keeps them in the supply of everyday food items that are organic, fresh, and healthy.


Ever planned a trip out of the city or country you live in? If you did, then you probably know that on the rare occasion one is to travel, it involves weeks of planning, sorting out affairs, and making an itinerary beforehand. One sign of the exceptionally affluent people, however, is that they not only travel frequently, but also spontaneously, be it for business purposes, or vacationing. In Pakistan one day, in England the next. No tiresome weeks of planning are required!


In the many worries of daily life, it is quite imaginable that one may not have time to focus on themselves, and consequently may “let themselves go”. In comparison, people whose hands money flows on like water always appear to be perfectly prim and proper. Perhaps this is because they received an upbringing that emphasized the importance of appearances, etiquette, and social graces. Not to mention, being part of high society can have certain expectations, like presenting oneself in a polished and refined manner at all times.


You know that one appointment that you have been delaying scheduling? Or perhaps the fact that you avoid seeking health services for “minor things” that you could simply “grin and bear” instead? Well, considering the astronomical rise in healthcare prices in Pakistan, it is safe to say that we’ve all been there. Except, of course, for people that possess ample means. Extremely wealthy folks have been known to avail health services for something that common people would generally pay no heed to – like perhaps a headache. Maybe this is why their health always seems to be top-notch. As soon as they feel something slightly wrong, they aim to nip it in the bud.

Social circle:

This is very simple – rich people know other rich people! This is perhaps a secondary consequence of having access to elite organizations, country clubs, high-end gyms, etcetera, and such places where it is teeming with people like themselves. They also seem to have very important people in their social circle, people that can “get things done”. Perhaps that is the reason why wealthy folks in Pakistan rarely ever seem to be in any binding position that they are worried they cannot get out of.

While it is important to remember that looks can indeed be deceiving and everyone who appears wealthy may not necessarily be so, it is indeed useful to know these signs for the purposes of business, networking, and the like. As such, these are just some of the many subtle signs – from what they eat to whom they spend time with – that one can use to detect the uber-wealthy in Pakistan.

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